February 22-2010:
If The Democrats Loose The House & Senate
It Is Their Own Bloody Fault:
Never before in the history of politics in Washington, has any one party obtain the majority in both houses. The Democrats have it currently, but is unable to fully utilize this majority because they cannot operate as ONE unit on anything.
The Health Care Proposal put forward by president Obama was sliced, diced, discussed, corrected, amended, and compromised so many times. That it has long lost it originality, and substance. The original CHANGE idea for Healthcare in this country, is now being called Health Care Reform.
What a catastrophe!
I followed this drama between the Democrats and Republicans all throughout the year 2009, with every proposed date for the final product being pushed forward, until it is now almost impossible to ever get a Health Care Bill that both Houses could agree with.
The Democrats have lost THREE states in the process of this confusion, and internal fighting for PORK, with their Egocentricity. Now chances are that with the upcoming elections in November, the Democrats might lose many more seats in both houses. Some Democrats have also resigned, when they see their chances for re-election are very slim indeed, and refuse to take the risk at canvassing for elective office again.
The Republicans:
This group is being influenced by the Right Wing Nuts, Ignoramuses, Racists, and the Confused, into thinking that they have a chance to retake both houses, even the presidency.
In this regard I can sympathize with them, because history have shown that Americans generally, act stupidly when they are angry, and confused. And are prone to reinstall the same IDIOTS into office again.
Remember George W. Bush's dumb policies and lies about WMD's . And yet Americans re-elected that man to continue lying to them for four more years, ending with a economy in trillions of dollars in debt, two wars that have no end in sight, and an economy that was on the verge of total collapse, which required Socialist Rescuing Policies to turn it around.
Albeit, the political confusion in Washington-DC, and the National Commonweal continues unabated.