August 19-2010:
The US Have Lost The War In Iraq BIG TIME:
And president Obama still cannot bring himself to admit that to the American people?
After ten years of War in both Iraq and Afghanistan, The US & N.A.T.O. have not made any real or constructive gains in both countries, in relation to internal political and economic stability. The Taliban or Mujahideen resistance fighters are now in control of most of Afghanistan.
And in Iraq, the Sunni and Shia factions are stepping up their religious and economic feuds with each other once again.
The government in Iraq was elected to govern over five months ago. But to date, they have failed to agree on the form of government to occupy the parliament in Baghdad. So that state is still without any official administration to administer the state. Thus preventing any economic, and infrastructure changes from taking place.
The Death Toll In Iraq:
Over 100,000 Iraq civilian deaths. Thousands more have fled the country in fear for their lives, and for being killed for co-operating or working for the American occupiers. Over 4,000 US Troops have also died there, not to mention the thousands that have been maimed, disfigured for life, burned beyond recognition, blinded from I.E.D. explosives, and will never be able to re-integrate into civilian life because of severe Mental and Psychological trauma.
The Afghanistan Theater:
This country have a history of feudalism. Strong Men or War Lords have always ruled regionally, with the consent and support of the people therein. Their word is law, and the people believe and obey whatever they command them to do.
Bringing Democracy to this state will not bear fruit in the near term, especially when over 90% of these people are illiterate.
The Russians were never able to subdue these peoples, and had to flee after ten years of fighting the Mujahideen or
(resistance fighters). These resistance fighters today are the Taliban. With some El Qaeda or (foreign fighters), and other Afghan elements that are against all foreign fighters or occupiers of that country.
So what is America and N.A.T.O. doing there?
They are operating under a false pretext, and totally deluded about victory over these internal and external forces. And just like Iraq, they will continue to experience the loss of American & N.A.T.O. Troop’s lives, coupled with the growing internal Taliban killing of civilians who co-operate with the foreigners therein.
No amount of troop surge will work here either. Because Afghans are not ready to have the type of governance we in the West would prefer.
Democracy is seen as contradictory to Islam and Islamic rule by the Taliban. Yet president Obama believes or is convinced that he will make a difference.
Another self deluded president in the white House for sure!
The Obama presidency is on the line now:
This war continues to provide for the slaughtering of US men and women in uniform, will determine if Barack Obama will be given a second term.
Personally, I am not sure that he will get a second term to continue this slaughter, or fool the American people once again with false promises, un-assertive and spineless actions, and a growing un-employed populace, that sees not hope or end to this economic misery in sight.