December 20-2008:
The Strategy To Take In Afghanistan For The Next President:
For centuries this country was governed and controlled by Warlords, Sheiks, and Fiefdoms. That is all they know, and are comfortable with. The mentality primarily of these people are biased in favor of the personality of some individual, who have the collective confidence and trust of the local tribes or community. He is the 'Go To' person, director and pacifier, of all social and cultural mores obtained therein.
Thus making these leaders almost absolute rulers among them!
Afghanistan is historically a Tribal and Ethnically controlled and managed society. The Tribal Warlords or Leadership have power, influence, and provides protection for their own region, and with the expressed consent of the people therein.
The Poppy growers are connected with this tribal leadership and management. It provides the funding for the tribal leadership's own protection via his personal militias or soldiers. And helps to finance his own agenda in terms of infrastructure, agricultural development, water and irrigation, and maintaining the peace and family relations that are prescribed under Islam.
The central government never had total control or governance of these outlying regions, because of all or most of what was alluded to above. And Hamid Karzai government cannot impose it's will or control throughout this country without the co-operation and financial accommodation of these tribal Warlords/Leaders. Which are the only ones that the commonweal will listen to, respect, and believe, at any given time.
Democracy is a foreign form of governance to these people and nation. They are historically accustomed to autocracy. With a centralized head of state, who was subordinate to the ruler or King.
With the advent of the American occupation, control, and establishment of the current Hamid Karzai government, the internal power struggles, infighting for position, authority, financial patronage and acquisition have become so out of control. That it is extremely difficult to find any government official who is not on "the take." or accepting some form of "kick back" under the table.
Until the government is able to root out this endemic corruption from within, it will be very difficult to get official policy decisions implemented, without some officials wanting to have his or her own cut or kickback!
* Conduct enquiries into the possibility of conscripting those Warlords/Leaders who are prepared to genuinely work for pay with the government. Try to get their co-operation in managing their own regions, even allowing them official positions such as Governors.
* Give them the munitions to police their own region, with the intention that should they default on the bargain, the Central Government in Kabul will take back whatever authority was granted them prior to the betrayal.
* Allow them to control or gradually phase out the Poppy Growers, with practical developmental plans to build infrastructure projects, which will provide employment to those families who depend on poppy farming to survive.
* Finally, let these same Warlords be in the frontline to identify, apprehend, and combat any Taliban or El Qaeda elements that are bent on infiltrating Afghanistan from the Pakistani border.
Derryck S. Griffith.
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