May 05-2009:
Banks Stress Tests Due Next week?
I hope that president Obama after hearing the current financial position of those banks in serious financial trouble,
will tell the American people HONESTLY, how serious these banks are financially!
And if some would have to GO, and how many.
And if some will need more Federal assistance, and how much?
These are the things that ALL Americans MUST be told at this Stress Test Declaration!
The Republicans are saying that they are Re-Branding The Image of the party.
But the choices are still the same Old Fogies that have been responsible for the party's demise so far.
So how much re-branding can we see, if the Same Old Fogies are being used as their Poster Old Boys!
Hate Crimes Bill ( H.R. 1913)
By a vote 249-175, the House last week passed H.R. 1913, a bill making it easier for law enforcement authorities to prosecute hate crimes.
Civil rights groups and liberal clergy members from all 50 states are fanning out across Capitol Hill this week to lobby for the legislation in an attempt to counter the notion, advanced by socially Clergy Lobbies for Passage of Hate Crimes Bill conservative groups, that religious leaders are uniformly opposed to the measure.
Although a majority of Senators are almost certainly in favor of the legislation, the question is whether supporters can win the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster that conservatives may launch to kill the bill. President Barack Obama has said he will sign the measure into law if it lands on his desk.
May 05-2009:
Dear House/Senate Repsenatative,
I petition you to support the Hate Crimes Bill H.R. 1913 legislative proposal.
For too long we have allowed People Of Color especially, to be targeted by The Police in all or most states of these United States unfairly, under the guise that they were merely carrying out their duties as per regulations.
And did not use Ethnicity on purpose, to harass or single out anyone for apprehension or incarceration.
Even our Judicial Systems are inclined to be prejudiced against People Of Color for penalties in our Courts Of Law.
Please go to Congress.org
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