June 15-2009:
Americans Speak Out Against Elections That Are Not FREE & FAIR Anywhere!
Dear President Obama,
America and the presidency has to be either for Free And Fair Elections or Democracy in Iran.
Or For Dictatorship and State Control.
We cannot accept, or seem to be telling Iran and the rest of the world, that we will not say anything that will embarrass the administration in Iran, when the rest of the world is furious with the recent seemingly rigged elections.
Americans Will Not Cringe At The Sight Of A Little Blood!
Why do you and others in the television media caution Americans before you show someone bleeding, or some macabre killing photo or scenario?
We all see these pictures (all age groups), on the Internet all the time. And there is no one there to caution anyone. And nobody complains about this.
In fact, most people prefer to see these graphic pictures for themselves, because it helps to bring perspective to that situation.
We are not WHIMPS, and would not CRINGE at the sight of some spilled blood!.
An Enquiry From The Highest Court In Iran Is warranted!
It seems like the Supreme Ayatollah and his Militia were complicit, in the unscrupulous vote rigging that obviously went down in Iran's elections.
This FARCE must never be accepted as legitimate. A fresh and new election is warranted now!
Vaccinations Do More Harm Than Good!
Do you know that vaccinations do more harm than good?
The more vaccinations you get to prevent illness that you never get, does a lot of immune suppression in the process, thus making you more vulnerable to some sever illness overtime.
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