September 17-2009:
Europe Missile Shield Shelved:
I would like to commend president Obama for his decision to rescind the above idea. However, we must also not allow the current unknown nuclear potential of Iran, to cause us to do the same thing that we wanted to do in Europe. But erecting Radar Systems to monitor Iran's supposedly Nuclear threats.
I have been monitoring these issues for several years now, and cannot fathom the rationale for Iran to want to use nuclear missiles on Israel or any other Middle Eastern country. When the USA has an ally like Israel with nuclear capability, and could intercept any incoming missiles, and destroy them un-route from that country.
I also understand the political necessity for the president to do this right now. But I also know that it was a sensible and wise decision he has made, to re-focus our efforts to more tried and tested methods for protecting our allies and homeland.
Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
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