Friday, December 31, 2010
A Happy And Fruitful New Year To You!
December 31-2010:
A Happy And Fruitful New Year To You!
The year 2010 could be remembered as Challenging, Economically bleak, and Uncertainty for most of us. Even as we experience economic troubles locally and internationally, we are still hopeful, that the stormy cloud of uncertainty will pass over.
And a New Day will dawn come 2011.
As we prepare our minds to embrace the new year, let it be Pleasant, Hopeful, and Resolute.
A Happy New Year 2011 to you, your family, relatives, and friends!
Om Shanti.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
December 20-2010:
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
Here of late, I have observed Facebook removing users from their wed page for simple things like posting Animated Suggestive Pics. Anything that vaguely resembles Sexual Conduct, and not in keeping with their CONSERVATIVE mind set, will be removed. Along with the user who posted it or those photos.
I was one of those victims of the Facebook Policing methods currently being ENFORCED.
Hitherto, when Facebook was starting up, and it's users were not in the millions, they were very pro-user, and user friendly. Now Facebook has become a Global Online empire, making billions in US an Euro Dollars, their attitude towards users Online have changed dramatically. And much to the demise of Free Internet Interaction among ALL users.
I ask all those who still cherish Internet Freedom to petition Facebook about these acts, and object to the removal of users who POST Animated cartoons on their pages. This is MOST RIDICULOUS to say the least.
And MUST be VEHEMENTLY objected to!
December 20-2010:
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
Here of late, I have observed Facebook removing users from their wed page for simple things like posting Animated Suggestive Pics. Anything that vaguely resembles Sexual Conduct, and not in keeping with their CONSERVATIVE mind set, will be removed. Along with the user who posted it or those photos.
I was one of those victims of the Facebook Policing methods currently being ENFORCED.
Hitherto, when Facebook was starting up, and it's users were not in the millions, they were very pro-user, and user friendly. Now Facebook has become a Global Online empire, making billions in US an Euro Dollars, their attitude towards users Online have changed dramatically. And much to the demise of Free Internet Interaction among ALL users.
I ask all those who still cherish Internet Freedom to petition Facebook about these acts, and object to the removal of users who POST Animated cartoons on their pages. This is MOST RIDICULOUS to say the least.
And MUST be VEHEMENTLY objected to!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
If You Cannot Compete In Business-Then You Do Not Belong Therein!
December 05-2010:
If You Cannot Compete In Business-Then You Do Not Belong Therein!
If any Bank Or Business FAILS, Or Is Unable To Survive The Competition In The Marketplace. Then Let Them Fail. That Will Allow The Others To Thrive, And Probably Provide Better Services Competitively, For All Consumers And Suppliers Alike.
When You SAVE A LOSER From Bankruptcy With The People's Money, You Are IN FACT, Compensating The Loser For His/Her Loss. And That Is UNFAIR TO ALL INVOLVED. (The Commonweal, Consumers, Banks, And Businesses).
Therefore, when the USA bailed out those banks, and car manufacturing companies at the tax payer's expense, they were doing exactly what they are NOT supposed to do in any Capitalist system.
And the people MUST ensure that the Obama Administration and their Republican counterparts PAY at the polls for this action.
Because they LIED to the people, by telling us the world will come to an end financially, if we do not save the Big Business, Banks, and Car Manufacturers. Now the same businesses are back in the competition, making billions once again, paying enormous salaries and bonuses, and laughing at us all for being so Obliging and Dumb.
December 05-2010:
If You Cannot Compete In Business-Then You Do Not Belong Therein!
If any Bank Or Business FAILS, Or Is Unable To Survive The Competition In The Marketplace. Then Let Them Fail. That Will Allow The Others To Thrive, And Probably Provide Better Services Competitively, For All Consumers And Suppliers Alike.
When You SAVE A LOSER From Bankruptcy With The People's Money, You Are IN FACT, Compensating The Loser For His/Her Loss. And That Is UNFAIR TO ALL INVOLVED. (The Commonweal, Consumers, Banks, And Businesses).
Therefore, when the USA bailed out those banks, and car manufacturing companies at the tax payer's expense, they were doing exactly what they are NOT supposed to do in any Capitalist system.
And the people MUST ensure that the Obama Administration and their Republican counterparts PAY at the polls for this action.
Because they LIED to the people, by telling us the world will come to an end financially, if we do not save the Big Business, Banks, and Car Manufacturers. Now the same businesses are back in the competition, making billions once again, paying enormous salaries and bonuses, and laughing at us all for being so Obliging and Dumb.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Barack Obama May Be A ONE Term President:
October 06-2010:
Barack Obama May Be A ONE Term President:
And the Democrats may loose both houses, for the following reasons:
* Failure to close Guantanamo Bay Prison.
* Failure to bring ALL our troops from Iraq & Afghanistan home permanently.
* Failure To Repeal the Internet Spying & Monitoring Law.
* Failure to Deliver on the Federal Work Plans for Road, Bridge Building, Repairs and Maintenance nationally.
* Failure to try all suspect terrorists in our Courts Of Law, under American Jurisdiction.
* Failure to STOP Private Security Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan.
Blackwater (alias Z), is a case in point.
* Failure to ensure that Small Banks & Businesses get the funding they need to start hiring and re-investing again in their businesses. To maintain or employ more people.
* And failure to use the majority in both Houses to get most or all of the things above mentioned, as promised, and expected, from those who voted for the Democrats in 2008.
October 06-2010:
Barack Obama May Be A ONE Term President:
And the Democrats may loose both houses, for the following reasons:
* Failure to close Guantanamo Bay Prison.
* Failure to bring ALL our troops from Iraq & Afghanistan home permanently.
* Failure To Repeal the Internet Spying & Monitoring Law.
* Failure to Deliver on the Federal Work Plans for Road, Bridge Building, Repairs and Maintenance nationally.
* Failure to try all suspect terrorists in our Courts Of Law, under American Jurisdiction.
* Failure to STOP Private Security Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan.
Blackwater (alias Z), is a case in point.
* Failure to ensure that Small Banks & Businesses get the funding they need to start hiring and re-investing again in their businesses. To maintain or employ more people.
* And failure to use the majority in both Houses to get most or all of the things above mentioned, as promised, and expected, from those who voted for the Democrats in 2008.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The US Have Lost The War In Iraq BIG TIME:
August 19-2010:
The US Have Lost The War In Iraq BIG TIME:
And president Obama still cannot bring himself to admit that to the American people?
After ten years of War in both Iraq and Afghanistan, The US & N.A.T.O. have not made any real or constructive gains in both countries, in relation to internal political and economic stability. The Taliban or Mujahideen resistance fighters are now in control of most of Afghanistan.
And in Iraq, the Sunni and Shia factions are stepping up their religious and economic feuds with each other once again.
The government in Iraq was elected to govern over five months ago. But to date, they have failed to agree on the form of government to occupy the parliament in Baghdad. So that state is still without any official administration to administer the state. Thus preventing any economic, and infrastructure changes from taking place.
The Death Toll In Iraq:
Over 100,000 Iraq civilian deaths. Thousands more have fled the country in fear for their lives, and for being killed for co-operating or working for the American occupiers. Over 4,000 US Troops have also died there, not to mention the thousands that have been maimed, disfigured for life, burned beyond recognition, blinded from I.E.D. explosives, and will never be able to re-integrate into civilian life because of severe Mental and Psychological trauma.
The Afghanistan Theater:
This country have a history of feudalism. Strong Men or War Lords have always ruled regionally, with the consent and support of the people therein. Their word is law, and the people believe and obey whatever they command them to do.
Bringing Democracy to this state will not bear fruit in the near term, especially when over 90% of these people are illiterate.
The Russians were never able to subdue these peoples, and had to flee after ten years of fighting the Mujahideen or
(resistance fighters). These resistance fighters today are the Taliban. With some El Qaeda or (foreign fighters), and other Afghan elements that are against all foreign fighters or occupiers of that country.
So what is America and N.A.T.O. doing there?
They are operating under a false pretext, and totally deluded about victory over these internal and external forces. And just like Iraq, they will continue to experience the loss of American & N.A.T.O. Troop’s lives, coupled with the growing internal Taliban killing of civilians who co-operate with the foreigners therein.
No amount of troop surge will work here either. Because Afghans are not ready to have the type of governance we in the West would prefer.
Democracy is seen as contradictory to Islam and Islamic rule by the Taliban. Yet president Obama believes or is convinced that he will make a difference.
Another self deluded president in the white House for sure!
The Obama presidency is on the line now:
This war continues to provide for the slaughtering of US men and women in uniform, will determine if Barack Obama will be given a second term.
Personally, I am not sure that he will get a second term to continue this slaughter, or fool the American people once again with false promises, un-assertive and spineless actions, and a growing un-employed populace, that sees not hope or end to this economic misery in sight.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I Will Not Support Barack Obama Or The Democratic Party Any Longer!
June 05-2010:
I Will Not Support Barack Obama Or The Democratic Party Any Longer!
I was on board the Barack Obama campaign from it's inception. I followed the primaries throughout, advocating for his victory until he was nominated party candidate for the presidency. After which I continued to support and advocate for his election victory until the end was realized.
I believed that he was a genuine man, even though he sometimes puzzled me with his verbal nuances and matter of fact answers to certain questions. I also felt that he would truly represent TRUE CHANGE in Washington-DC, despite the obstacles within and without his democratic party.
But he has failed miserably to Stand Up and Assert himself as president of this republic when the time was absolutely necessary for him to do so. And I will outline some of these missed opportunities or willful neglect to act credibly.
* Barack Obama promised to revamp the Internet Snooping Regulations that G. W. Bush used and amended to spy on, and apprehend anyone they felt was a national threat or suspect terrorist, This preemptive mentality is still being used by Barack Obama's administration.
* Barack Obama promised to bring the troops home from Iraq, this was eventually altered somewhat, with a promise to bring some or most combat troops home by 2011. But current evidence, coupled with a humongous Embassy built for the Americans in the heart of Baghdad, makes that promise ludicrous.
* Barack Obama increased the combat troops strength by several thousands, hoping to cripple the Taliban elements, while propping up a corrupt President and regime in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, thousands more US, NATO and Afghan troops and civilians are being killed on a daily basis.
* The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Law is still not yet repealed, even with his promise to let the Pentagon and the military Top Brass have their say and recommendations. Even though the House & Senate currently are unanimous for the repeal of it.
* Barack Obama and the US House & Senate all supported Israel's incursion and massacre of hundreds of civilians in Gaza recently. They even refused to acknowledge any UN sanctions on Israel after the Goldstone report was made public. And the White phosphorous that was mostly used to injure and maim civilians was quite evident and proven factual on the ground in Gaza, by medical personnel and observers therein.
* The Immigration reform promise is still to be addressed. Even though some hurried and politically expedient proposals were presented by some democrats in New York State, for some changes to be made. But this is not the Comprehensive approach to immigration reform we were expecting to happen. So this too seem to be a pipe dream for most supporters of Immigration Reform currently.
* Barack Obama is not respected by the Israeli administration currently. And he operates as though he is taking orders from prime minister Nethanyahu. Barack Obama's also dismisses the plight of Gazans, just because the political administration on that strip of land is deemed to be terrorists by his administration, and past presidents.
When in fact, Israel has over one million Palestinians in Gaza under military seize, destroyed the pure drinking water factory, prevent food of nutritional value to be brought into Gaza, or any cement, steel, and building materials from being brought in.
So most Gazans are living in make shift Tents, make shift homes, with no proper schools, housing, mass unemployment, unwholesome food and nutrition, and prohibited form travelling within and without Gaza.
While the US, and most of the Arab world leadership, pretends to care or speak for them.
And the list goes on without any end in sight!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
April 22-2010:
If He/She Does NOT Deliver On His/Her Promises!
But That Cannot Happen Until He/She Finishes His/Her Elected Term! And That Is The PRIME Dilemma Voters Have To Contend With!
Public & Private Sector Employees:
In these sectors, when an employee is found guilty of stealing, continuous absenteeism, or bribery. He/she can be penalized via suspension without pay. Or transferred pending internal investigation, or dismissed from that position immediately.
He/she is told to hand in his/her desk keys, is not allowed to access his/her computer, and is told to collect his pay from the Paymaster/Personnel Department, and is most likely escorted out the building.
Politicians do not face these penalties. They sit and languish doing the same things they were accused of, or is suspected to be doing illegally. Until their term in office ends.
While at the same time, his/her constituents are not being served, noting in their interest is being done, and they are still being paid their salaries for doing nothing.
Monday, February 22, 2010
If The Democrats Loose The House & Senate It Is Their Own Bloody Fault:
February 22-2010:
If The Democrats Loose The House & Senate
It Is Their Own Bloody Fault:
Never before in the history of politics in Washington, has any one party obtain the majority in both houses. The Democrats have it currently, but is unable to fully utilize this majority because they cannot operate as ONE unit on anything.
The Health Care Proposal put forward by president Obama was sliced, diced, discussed, corrected, amended, and compromised so many times. That it has long lost it originality, and substance. The original CHANGE idea for Healthcare in this country, is now being called Health Care Reform.
What a catastrophe!
I followed this drama between the Democrats and Republicans all throughout the year 2009, with every proposed date for the final product being pushed forward, until it is now almost impossible to ever get a Health Care Bill that both Houses could agree with.
The Democrats have lost THREE states in the process of this confusion, and internal fighting for PORK, with their Egocentricity. Now chances are that with the upcoming elections in November, the Democrats might lose many more seats in both houses. Some Democrats have also resigned, when they see their chances for re-election are very slim indeed, and refuse to take the risk at canvassing for elective office again.
The Republicans:
This group is being influenced by the Right Wing Nuts, Ignoramuses, Racists, and the Confused, into thinking that they have a chance to retake both houses, even the presidency.
In this regard I can sympathize with them, because history have shown that Americans generally, act stupidly when they are angry, and confused. And are prone to reinstall the same IDIOTS into office again.
Remember George W. Bush's dumb policies and lies about WMD's . And yet Americans re-elected that man to continue lying to them for four more years, ending with a economy in trillions of dollars in debt, two wars that have no end in sight, and an economy that was on the verge of total collapse, which required Socialist Rescuing Policies to turn it around.
Albeit, the political confusion in Washington-DC, and the National Commonweal continues unabated.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I Support The Repeal Of The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Policy With The US Military!

February 02-2010:
Gays In The US Military's Acceptance Is Long Overdue!
President Obama has stated that he is prepared to repeal this institutional dilemma. Just as soon as the Congress convenes an enquiry into the actual possibility of this repeal becoming a reality. And it could not have been too soon to act upon this long overdue and ridiculous rule, that was imposed upon Americans, willing, ready, and qualified to serve their country.
Historical References:
As a former member of a par-military organization, I can attest to the reality of those who are Homosexual, Bisexual, or Confused, in these institutions. And how they are perceived, dealt with, and get along with others therein.
When men in large numbers are placed in confined spaces like Barracks, Camps, or Regiments, they eventually get very acquainted with each other. To a point where individuals elect to seek out buddies for friendships, partners, or simply with those whom they feel akin with. That is a natural thing with men in most situations. And Barrack rooms are no different.
It is also quite possible that any individual with a certain sexual preference will be detected or observed by some around him or her. But more often than not, no one says anything, (at least in his/her face), about that observation or discovery.
Buddies also poke fun of each other's idiosyncrasies or oddities from time to time. This is quite normal in such situations. We all bug each other sometimes in joviality, or at the recreational facility, or drill square. This is all taken in good faith by most.
But what we hold dear, is that we are all buddies, and what anyone does in his/her private life, is his/her own business. Even when we bug him/her about it.
Institutional Prejudices:
The US military historically, have been recruiting (in the main) individuals from the Appalachian regions, the Outback, and the so-called Bible belt. These places tend to have lots of people who consider themselves Evangelicals. And this group of people have strong views about Homosexuality and God's will, or what they perceive as wrong in the eyes of Their God.
These individuals tend to make the military a career. In fact they tend to stay there for a long time, and become a vital part of the institution's mindset. Because they invariably get promoted to the higher ranks. The White supremacists are also part of this institution. And they too come for the above regions (more or less).
These individuals have very strong and self-opinionated views about what is God's Will, or Right & Wrong. And they do not hesitate to let it be known whenever possible.
Breaking The Barrier:
So removing the mindset/barriers in this institution may be a bit dicey, but it can be done. Especially now that the national commonweal seem to accept the fact that Gays (open or closeted), pose no risk to anyone. Least of all the military. Because they were always there, in War & Peace, Fighting and Dying on every battlefield that the US forces have been involved in.
And are always ready to serve their country if or when called upon to do so. Regardless of how they are perceived therein.
Please Go To and petition your political reps!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
US Congressional Hearing With Tim Geitner-Treasury Secretary!

January 27-2010:
US Congressional Hearing With Tim Geitner-Treasury Secretary!
"We Acted Because The Consequences From Not Doing So, Would Have Been Catastrophic."
"We Acted Because The Consequences From Not Doing So, Would Have Been Catastrophic."
Tim Geitner-Treasury Secretary.
How the Hell does he know that for sure? They conned the American people into believing the world was coming to and end for the Global Financial Economy.
And we had to give them billions to keep them afloat. Because some of these Behemoths were Too Big To Fail.
Then after receiving Billions of US Tax Payer dollars, they resumed the same practices that got them into debt once again. They resumed paying Large Bonuses, claiming they had to honor contracts.
Honor Contracts My Butt!
The greed and in-sensitivity these vultures have for the Accumulation Of Large sums of money to enrich themselves, is beyond comprehension.
Now Timothy Geitner and his Treasury cronies all deny ever knowing that the State bought TOXIC assets that worth pennies, with billions, in order to hide the true reality and cost of those Toxic Assets.
I have said before that president Obama chose to align himself with individuals who were part and parcel of Wall Street & the Banking Institutional Rackets. These people are mentally and psychologically well entrenched in this business of Reckless Risk Taking and Speculative Investments.
They have experienced the wealth that it brought them. And will continue to take these chances whenever the situation arises for them to make another Financial Killing.
That is the nature of these vultures. They are the problem!
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