June 05-2010:
I Will Not Support Barack Obama Or The Democratic Party Any Longer!
I was on board the Barack Obama campaign from it's inception. I followed the primaries throughout, advocating for his victory until he was nominated party candidate for the presidency. After which I continued to support and advocate for his election victory until the end was realized.
I believed that he was a genuine man, even though he sometimes puzzled me with his verbal nuances and matter of fact answers to certain questions. I also felt that he would truly represent TRUE CHANGE in Washington-DC, despite the obstacles within and without his democratic party.
But he has failed miserably to Stand Up and Assert himself as president of this republic when the time was absolutely necessary for him to do so. And I will outline some of these missed opportunities or willful neglect to act credibly.
* Barack Obama promised to revamp the Internet Snooping Regulations that G. W. Bush used and amended to spy on, and apprehend anyone they felt was a national threat or suspect terrorist, This preemptive mentality is still being used by Barack Obama's administration.
* Barack Obama promised to bring the troops home from Iraq, this was eventually altered somewhat, with a promise to bring some or most combat troops home by 2011. But current evidence, coupled with a humongous Embassy built for the Americans in the heart of Baghdad, makes that promise ludicrous.
* Barack Obama increased the combat troops strength by several thousands, hoping to cripple the Taliban elements, while propping up a corrupt President and regime in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, thousands more US, NATO and Afghan troops and civilians are being killed on a daily basis.
* The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Law is still not yet repealed, even with his promise to let the Pentagon and the military Top Brass have their say and recommendations. Even though the House & Senate currently are unanimous for the repeal of it.
* Barack Obama and the US House & Senate all supported Israel's incursion and massacre of hundreds of civilians in Gaza recently. They even refused to acknowledge any UN sanctions on Israel after the Goldstone report was made public. And the White phosphorous that was mostly used to injure and maim civilians was quite evident and proven factual on the ground in Gaza, by medical personnel and observers therein.
* The Immigration reform promise is still to be addressed. Even though some hurried and politically expedient proposals were presented by some democrats in New York State, for some changes to be made. But this is not the Comprehensive approach to immigration reform we were expecting to happen. So this too seem to be a pipe dream for most supporters of Immigration Reform currently.
* Barack Obama is not respected by the Israeli administration currently. And he operates as though he is taking orders from prime minister Nethanyahu. Barack Obama's also dismisses the plight of Gazans, just because the political administration on that strip of land is deemed to be terrorists by his administration, and past presidents.
When in fact, Israel has over one million Palestinians in Gaza under military seize, destroyed the pure drinking water factory, prevent food of nutritional value to be brought into Gaza, or any cement, steel, and building materials from being brought in.
So most Gazans are living in make shift Tents, make shift homes, with no proper schools, housing, mass unemployment, unwholesome food and nutrition, and prohibited form travelling within and without Gaza.
While the US, and most of the Arab world leadership, pretends to care or speak for them.
And the list goes on without any end in sight!
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