Monday, December 29, 2008

ISRAELI'S Terror Strikes Again!

December 29-2008:

Israeli's Terror Strikes Again!

Israel Attack On Hesbullah In Lebanon:

Israel bombed Lebanon's Southern State's infrastructure in 2006, and some known offices of Hesbullah. In order (according to them), to defeat or break Hesbullah's strength and ability to operate fully.

This tactic by Israel is proving useless, and is responsible for the thousands of civilians killed in Lebanon, by these bombings. Deliberate or not, the evidence on the ground will validate or invalidate the wisdom, or vendetta of Israel.

GAZA Today:

Today we see the same tactics used in Gaza to kill those who stand against Israeli aggression, and occupation of illegal territories in that region. And for the freedom of Palestinians to live, travel, self reliance, national dignity, and ultimately to gain sovereignty.

What Israel is doing, is supported by The USA, and some or most Sunni Arab controlled countries in that region. Most of whom are lackeys for the USA's foreign policy in that region.

Killing thousands of innocent civilians, can in NO WAY justify any reason for rooting out suspected terrorists among the Palestinian people. Most of whom are merely expressing decades of political frustration, national incarceration, political isolation, and a disregard for these people's fight for national freedom, sovereignty, and ethnic preservation.

Munitions Used:

Cluster bombs were used against Hesbullah militants in Lebanon, and the civilians of Lebanon. With the expressed excuse of Israel for going after TWO captured Israeli soldiers in that conflict. One of these soldiers are presumed dead, and the other is yet to be released, and whose life is yet to be determined. But what Israel cannot justify in this conflict, is the thousands of Palestinian resistance fighters in their prisons, who were captured over decades of Israeli insurgency into Palestinian territories.

No amount of Palestinian resistance towards Israel, could justify the mass killing of innocent civilians on the Palestinian side, most of whom have no way to retaliate against a Nuclear capable, and USA supported neighbor like Israel.

So this conflict will always be in Israel's favor, regardless of how often the Palestinians resist their onslaught. The time has come for the USA to rethink it's position on Israel's role in that region, and how much support it is willing to give Israel, as it continues to aggress their neighbor militarily.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Caroline Kennedy's Agenda For New York State!

December 27-2008:

Caroline Kennedy's Agenda For New York State!

If Caroline Kennedy wants to convince New Yorkers that she is eligible for the job. She has to provide an agenda of issues, that New Yorkers care about or is concerned with, to the people of New York State.

For example:

* Comprehensive Healthcare for all New Yorkers:

* A Comprehensive Immigration Bill that provides legal status for P.R.O.C.U.L. residents, (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law):

b. Family with children at home who are unable to bring them to the USA; work permits for those who legally qualify for residency, pending legal status confirmation.

c. And lifting the bar for those who are HIV positive, are residing here in the USA, and needs medical coverage and access to HIV medications.

* Acceptance of anyone into the military who is self identified as Gay or Homosexual:

* College affordable financial assistance and scholarships for the Lower Income students, High School dropouts, the No Child Left Behind Initiative.

* The creation of manufacturing jobs, services, and other infrastructure that helps New York State provide employment for it's citizens.

* Affordable Housing for all New Yorkers, especially the Low Income Level Housing residents.

These are just some of the issues that Hillary Clinton advocated for, and I would expect Caroline Kennedy to co-opt into her advocacy proposals for consideration for that senate seat.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Risk Without Rules Is Tantamount To Insanity!

December 26-2008:

Risk Without Rules Is Tantamount To Insanity!

* Some republicans and others currently are totally against regulations of any kind for the business community. They claim it would inhibit how A Free Enterprise Economy or Markets are supposed to function and grow economically.

* Some also believe that if left alone, the Free Market via competition among the players within, will regulate itself.

Today, what we see is the opposite of the latter position highlighted above. Because of deregulation, most of the big corporations and financial institutions and individuals within, took risks that was beyond the premise for 'safe risk taking,' fueled by greed and self aggrandizement.

Therefore, in order to make the Free Market System work equitably for most of the players within, a regulated platform of rules MUST be legislated, and stringently implemented, to ensure that no runaway group or individuals could con the system, to the point of no return and total disaster once again!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Season's Greetings To You!

December 23-2008:

Christmas Holiday Greetings!

The year 2008 could be remembered as challenging, economically bleak, and the beginning of HOPE for America and the World.

With the rise of president elect Barack Hussein Obama, the leader of the Free Democratic hemisphere. We could expect great changes for the better.

Even as we experience economic troubles locally and internationally. We are still hopeful, that the stormy cloud of uncertainty will passover.

And a New Day will dawn come 2009.

May these last few days of 2008, be pleasant, fruitful, resolute, and hopeful, for all who care, believe, hope, and share in the dream.

A Happy, Pleasant and Peaceful Christmas Holiday to President Elect Barack Hussein Obama, his family, his VP Elect, and supporters all.

Om Shanti.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Strategy To Take In Afghanistan For The Next President!

December 20-2008:

The Strategy To Take In Afghanistan For The Next President:

For centuries this country was governed and controlled by Warlords, Sheiks, and Fiefdoms. That is all they know, and are comfortable with. The mentality primarily of these people are biased in favor of the personality of some individual, who have the collective confidence and trust of the local tribes or community. He is the 'Go To' person, director and pacifier, of all social and cultural mores obtained therein.

Thus making these leaders almost absolute rulers among them!

Afghanistan is historically a Tribal and Ethnically controlled and managed society. The Tribal Warlords or Leadership have power, influence, and provides protection for their own region, and with the expressed consent of the people therein.

The Poppy growers are connected with this tribal leadership and management. It provides the funding for the tribal leadership's own protection via his personal militias or soldiers. And helps to finance his own agenda in terms of infrastructure, agricultural development, water and irrigation, and maintaining the peace and family relations that are prescribed under Islam.

The central government never had total control or governance of these outlying regions, because of all or most of what was alluded to above. And Hamid Karzai government cannot impose it's will or control throughout this country without the co-operation and financial accommodation of these tribal Warlords/Leaders. Which are the only ones that the commonweal will listen to, respect, and believe, at any given time.

Democracy is a foreign form of governance to these people and nation. They are historically accustomed to autocracy. With a centralized head of state, who was subordinate to the ruler or King.

With the advent of the American occupation, control, and establishment of the current Hamid Karzai government, the internal power struggles, infighting for position, authority, financial patronage and acquisition have become so out of control. That it is extremely difficult to find any government official who is not on "the take." or accepting some form of "kick back" under the table.

Until the government is able to root out this endemic corruption from within, it will be very difficult to get official policy decisions implemented, without some officials wanting to have his or her own cut or kickback!


* Conduct enquiries into the possibility of conscripting those Warlords/Leaders who are prepared to genuinely work for pay with the government. Try to get their co-operation in managing their own regions, even allowing them official positions such as Governors.

* Give them the munitions to police their own region, with the intention that should they default on the bargain, the Central Government in Kabul will take back whatever authority was granted them prior to the betrayal.

* Allow them to control or gradually phase out the Poppy Growers, with practical developmental plans to build infrastructure projects, which will provide employment to those families who depend on poppy farming to survive.

* Finally, let these same Warlords be in the frontline to identify, apprehend, and combat any Taliban or El Qaeda elements that are bent on infiltrating Afghanistan from the Pakistani border.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Historic Middle Class Position vs The Lower Masses!

December 18-2008:

The Historic Middle Class Position vs The Lower Paid Masses!

Historically, the Middle Class were those groups, or communities that enjoyed above average good wages, healthcare benefits, permanent jobs with a pension, and invariably were unionized.

This group more or less controlled the construction jobs, manufacturing, building, processing, and middle management (or White collar) type employment.

Those outside were the rest of us Lumpen Proletariat, or the general low income masses. Most of whom shouldered the tax weight, did the menial jobs, got fired on a whim, found less permanent employment, qualified mostly or was given minimum wages, and worked less hours per week, when the business or economy experienced trouble.

Today we hear of the Middle Class Woes, and how we must SAVE the Middle Class. Most politicians currently seem to feel the need to EMPHASIZE this point. Without regard or acknowledgement, of the Lower Working masses.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Comprehensive Immigration Bill/Law Is Needed Now!

December 14-2008:

A Comprehensive Immigration Law/Bill Is Needed In The USA:


What this country need, is A Comprehensive Immigration Bill that guarantees the following:

1. Acceptance of any foreigner, who is not a National Security threat to the country, and has satisfied the Legal Immigration entry requirements.

2. Grant residence status to those who have satisfied the above requirements:
(b) Displayed respect for our National Constitution & Local laws: And have not committed any felonious act/s while in residence here.

3. Grant Legal Residence Status to those who have overstayed their visas, and are unable to return to their homeland, for fear of reprisals, retribution, and/or financial inability to re-enter the USA.

4. Seeking asylum for political, religious, or racial/ethnic reasons, should be considered eligible for legal residence status.

5. Any person/s who have tested HIV positive while living in the USA: Have entered the country legally:

Have been residing here for over one year prior to being tested HIV positive, should be granted legal residence status, on humanitarian grounds.

6. Ensuring that our national borders are adequately policed: Persons entering or leaving our sovereign territories, must provide the necessary legal papers or identity.

7. All immigrants, legal or illegal must be allowed to access medical/emergency assistance from any hospital or clinic in The USA, without being asked for his/her legal residence status documents.


It was under President Bill Clinton's watch that The Immigration Laws that were introduced in 1996-97 that inhibited legal residence, eg P.R.U.C.O.L. (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law). Most of whom for various reasons, overstayed their time here in America, and was now seeking permanent resident status.

His signing of that law, debarred most of them from ever gaining that legal status without having to return to their home countries, and risk death, poverty, shame or worse!
And the only eligible people that manage to float in, sail in, drop in, or reach the shores of America, are the Cubans, and they are entitled to Automatic Legal Residence Status?

This kind of differential treatment of humans, coupled with political convenience, bothers me greatly.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, December 12, 2008

A FORD And GM Merge-May Be Prudent!

December 12-2008:

A FORD & GM Merge-May Be Prudent!

GM-Ford & Crysler have come a long way capitalizing on the manufacturing and sale of their cars, and other vehicles locally and foreign.

But now the manufacturing climate has changed dramatically, and these companies, saddled with internal pensions, healthcare, and other worker/management agreements, are unable to recalibrate fast enough, to cater to the more consumer affordable, fuel efficient, environmental efficient vehicles, foreign owned, and more innovative models.

Holding on to these traditional Three Entities under this financial crisis and international globilization, will also make it even more difficult to remain competitive.

Therefore, it may be wise and financially prudent for Ford and GM to merge, thus making them more competitive, and giving them the leeway to make speedy internal changes that would allow for development, progress, innovation, and survival.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

The US Cannot Protect Afghanistan's Border With Pakistan!


The US cannot defend Afghanistan's borders, because it is as long as our border with Canada. And thank Haven we do not have that problem here as yet.

Get Out of Afghanistan, and let them protect themselves. Hamid Karzai is a Titular Head Of State. This man has little or no power, not even in Kabul.

Those governmental ministries/departments under his authority, are so currupt, the Taliban is able to infiltrate them easily with kickbacks, and threats.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When The TURD Hits The Fan-Expect A Lot Of Fragrance!

December 09-2008:

WhenThe Turd Hits The Fan-Expect A Lot Of Fragrance!

I guess now that the Gene is out of the bottle with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. We will be hearing names being mentioned that may surprise some of us.

* Whom he colluded with?

* Whom he planned with?

* Whom he colluded with to exploit so and so?

* Who knew what he was up to, but said nothing?

* And if Barack Obama knew of his actions all along, but did nothing to indicate that something was afoot, that stinks to high Heaven?

Afterall, in that town when the Turd hits the fan, expect a lot of people to get very messy!


College Education Is Out Of Reach For Many!

December 09-2008:

Ref: Jim Lehrer of

College Education Is Out Of Reach For Many!

Tonight I watched a documentary about college education for most of our state's resident youth. He stressed that even though the Federal Government has, and is increasing it's contributions to education in most states. These individual states are not making adequate allotments to the colleges that need it. Sometimes not at all.

So this lack of state funding for colleges are preventing tuition assistance via grants, tutor's salaries, adequate facilities, and the lack of funding for aspiring students, most of whom are poor or dis-enfranchised economically.

The lack of affordable tuition for most students, are making them seek loans from banks, that are enormous to repay at the completion of their studies. And most recipients of college loans will be indebted to banks for decades, from paying back those loans and the accumulated interest.

If the Federal government could pressure the individual states to comply with educational responsibilities via benchmarks, or targeting colleges recruitment and financial programs. Maybe this could be one aspect to get more funding allocated to colleges, to assist those in dire need of such assistance. It would also help these colleges become more competitive, and attract quality students academically.


I Promise You-We Will Get There!

I Promise You We Will Get There!

We will inherit a huge deficit in 2009:

George W. Bush has dug a very Big Hole for us.

The road to travel out of this crisis will be long,

The climb out will be very steep.

The Journey forward will be hard.

But I promise you,

We Will Get There!

President Elect Barack Obama.