January 09-2009:
How Do You Define Special Interests?
I need someone to explain what is meant by Special Interests. In relation to president elect Barack Obama's Stimulus Package, and his expectation that no 'Air Marks' would be allowed in this package.
However, as far as I am aware, special interests are what any elected representative tries to include, or put in, in a piece of legislation for his or her state. As a matter of fact, every elected official (be it the City-State or Federal), is expected to represent his or her constituency.
It is also expected that in so doing, he or she must never allow any organizational Lobbyist to influence his or her decisions, to the point where they get TOP PRIORITY over those who elected that political representative to office.
This is where the definition MUST be made QUITE CLEAR, in terms of the 'people's interest', vs the private commercial or wealthy donor to the campaign, of a particular political representative.
Favors can sometimes get in the way of what should be the PRIORITY of that elected representative!
Therefore, in relation to the Stimulus Package that president elect Barack Obama has proposed, and expects to be devoid of AIR MARKS.
How possible is it for him to expect that all Congress And Senate Representatives, will ignore their own constituencies, to accommodate his proposals, without bargaining for some form of Air Mark, for his or her constituency.
Should this expectation be realized for Barack Obama, then it would indeed be a TRUE TURNING Of The PAGE on PRIORITIES, that the people expect to be honored!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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