January 26-2009:
The Time To Act With Resolve Is Now-President Obama!
The American people gave you 53% of the vote this year. This was done for the following reasons:
* To rid Washington DC of time wasting, and get The People's Business done.
* And not allow the same old pussy footing, partisan politics, and filibustering from preventing
anything meaningful from getting done.
anything meaningful from getting done.
Now we are seeing a replay of the same old political partisan politics with the 825 billion stimulus package. And I get the impression that you Mr. president, along with the Democrats in both houses seem to feel, that you have to appease the Republicans, regardless of how watered down the stimulus package will eventually become.
Just to show how much you are for 'working with Republicans,' or reaching across the aisle!
This delay, indecisiveness, and ridiculous appeasement, may cause you to lose whatever political credit that you are still enjoying eventually!
Derryck S. Griffith.
PS: The Time To Act With Resolve Is Now!
PS: The Time To Act With Resolve Is Now!
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