February 12-2009:
Firmness-Resolve And An End Result For Afghanistan!
President Barack H. Obama MUST decide soon to end our military activities in Afghanistan. Because as I see it currently, the internal strife, insurrections, suicide bombings, and governmental corruption will continue to inhibit any military gains there. Coupled with the limited coalition forces that are militarily involved in combat.
Hamid Karzai'a government is CURRUPT. And the Taliban is gaining strength all over the country, because Afghans are hungry, un-employed en masse, threatened with torture and death if they fail to heed the Taliban, and the government cannot provide national security for the entire country, not even in Kabul.
Those countries that have sent meagre military personnel there, most of which are not involved in tracking Taliban and Al Qaeda elements or terrorists, are of little or no help there. And the president will have to decide very soon, if the US can withstand the bulk of this military mission there, without substantial military involvement in combat, against the Taliban and other insurgent groups.
If the president waits too long to decide how much longer are we going to stay there, then it is possible that Afghanistan will be another Iraq in dimension. Because the Taliban cannot be trusted to come on board with security. Their principal aim is to take back Afghanistan, and rule it under Wahabism.
And continue to kill, beat, and maim the Afghan women for wanting to be educated, and equality under the law.
I envisage thousands of US military personnel deaths in the weeks and months to come. With the 4000 US deaths already in Iraq, how much more are we going to sacrifice, in this ridiculous war in Afghanistan. That country wil
l never become a democracy. Their history does not cater to any central governance either.

So any intention to rule Afghanistan from a Centralized government, is wishful thinking and detrimental to our military personnel there.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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