February 03-2009:
No FREE Pass For The Big Bank's Executives!
When the IMF or The World Bank lends money to developing countries, they stipulate how, what, and where these funds MUST be spent.
With rigid oversight too!
Therefore, if The US Federal government is asked or is expected to rescue or bailout these BIG banks and Insurance companies that have made some very grave and irresponsible decisions in their internal finances, lending practices, and executive emoluments.
Then it is incumbent upon the Treasury Dept. to expect that all Top Executives follow strict guidelines pertaining to personal emoluments or salaries. Failing to do so, gives these executives and private institutions, carte blanche for their irresponsible actions.
When the ordinary man or woman in mainstream America, that have erred on their mortgage payments, loose their homes, and not get any compensation from the Federal Government.
So insisting that all recipients of Federal monies follow some strict and regulated guidelines as per their salaries, is justified at this time!
Derryck S. Griffith.
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