April 25-2009:
Achievements For The Obama Administration During The First 100 Days!
For those of you who feel that the President is not doing enough to stem the unemployment crisis currently.
Just let me make some things quite clear now!
* President Obama inherited over three trillion dollars in deficit:
* President Obama is doing all that is necessary, prudent, judicious, and feasible, to get this economy moving in a positive way.
For those of you who think he is not moving fast enough, or does not have a clue what he is doing.
I say, you are entitled to your own opinion.
However, the American electorate elected him with 53% of the national votes, to GOVERN, as per his promises. And that is what he is doing.
* The 780 Billion US Dollar National Rescue Initiative Stimulus Bill:
* The No Child Left Behind Funding Initiative Enactment:
* Added millions of US dollars for Medicaid Funding, to cover eleven million children without Healthcare coverage or access:
* The Equal Rights For Women In The Workplace Enactment/Bill:
* The Veteran's Act for College Grants for those who served over three years in the US military:
* The Stem Cell Research Funding via Executive Order:
* Eanctment of The Employee Free Choice Act, which caters for the recognition of a collective bargaining agent for employees, secret ballot, and voluntary union conscription at the workplace:
* A White House Council for Women & Girls:
* Meeting with EU leaders at the G-20 summit recently, and getting them to sign a consensual agreement for financial assistance in the vicinity of three trillion dollars, for the global financial crisis stabilization:
* Meeting with our South-Central & North American Leadership, making amends for past grievances with the US policies, and setting the stage for improved trade/relations with the entire continent:
* Releasing some classified documents that validate that some forms of torture was done by the CIA, with the consent of the George W. Bush White House administration:
* And authorizing the killing of those three pirates, that captured an American Commercial/Humanitarian ship in the Somali sea.
(B) The pirates were killed by three Navy Seal's snipers.
These are just some of the actions he has taken within the first 100 days of his administration, and is still counting!
My performance rating for this administration so far, is an A.