April 15-2009:
Food Aid Ships To Kenya Escapes Pirates Attack!
If the pirates continue to show no regard for an ocean going vessel, regardless of whether that or those vessels are delivering Food Aid to Africa, or any African country.
Then I say, STOP delivering food there NOW!
If these pirates are going to hold those states that are desperately in need of food hostage, then let them STARVE.
When starvation really start causing the deaths of thousands of their own people, then I guess they will see the light and desist such activities.
And those African states that chose to sit idle by, and not intervene to help or protect ships in that region. I say to them too, that when the pirates are no longer able to attack ships successfully, they will turn upon their own governments and people to plunder.
So if these African states and governments in that region, does not make deliberate efforts to thwart piracy, their bases on shore, and their leadership, by killing them whenever they are captured, or caught indulging in piracy.
Then NO FOOD AID will continue!
Derryck S. Griffith.
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