April 17-2009:
President Obama Forgives The Torturers!
President Obama's administration through the Department Of Justice, will not charge any CIA officer that indulged in torture, during the George W. Bush administration.
This decision may cause some head hunters on the left to get all fired up and angry. But I imagine that president Obama needs these same CIA officials or officers, to operate in his new administration.
Most of which have experience ands skills that are needed in the fight against terrorism internationally.
However, if we allow anger, vengeance, and payback for any wrong doing, some of these officials may have undertaken, then we may be forfeiting ourselves the benefit of some potential assets, that are vitally needed at this time.
Politically, this may be a grave dis-appointment for many Obama supporters, some of whom was waiting for a change of administration to get even!
So let us see how supporters from every strata and affiliation, will behave in the next three years general elections.
Remember The Nuremberg Trials After World War-2:
I was merely following orders!
George W. Bush Torture Chamber!
As I see it, the US Justice Dept,. via the Attorney General should have been allowed to have an investigation into who in the line of authority, gave the direct orders for torture to be done on prisoners.
Did the Attorney General raise this concern with the president?
Or did the president suggest to the US Attorney General not to pursue any investigation that would lead to prosecution. Whatever it is, a precedent has already been established, and if no legal Proceedings are brought against any alleged torturer.
Then what is to prevent some future president or administration, repeating this scenario
once again?
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