Sunday, February 8, 2009

Are The Proposed Europe Missile Defense System Worth It?

February 06-2009:

Are The Proposed Europe Missile Defense System Worth It?

George W. Bush was keen to promote the concept of a shield or missile defense system somewhere in Europe, to combat any first strike from Russia (supposedly). This missile detect system is supposed to alert N.A.T.O of any incoming missile threat, necessitating a quick response to that threat.

This to my mind is playing into the un-warranted fear from the Cold War era, when the Soviets were alleged to be creating missiles that could reach US territories, and the USA had to be prepared to combat that threat. This un-warranted fear from both sides proved to be very wrong, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the end of The Cold War era.

Will president Barack H. Obama allow himself to be sucked into this paranoid military mindset, within the Pentagon and her allies in N.A.T.O. Or are we going to seriously consider how un-realistic this idea would be, if we intend to foster better or improved diplomatic relations with Russia, and the former Soviet block or allies too.

If we allow ourselves to be sucked into this war mongering mentality, then we would have accepted George W. Bush's idea, and thus continue business as usual in our foreign policy with Russia.

I strongly suggest that the Obama administration do not even consider, building or contributing to any missile defense system in Europe.

Because this conflicts with NATO's role in that regard, and makes NATO seem irrelevant, if not unwanted!


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