Monday, October 5, 2009

The US General Post Office Is In Trouble!

October 05-2009:

TO: President Obama
The White House

The US General Post Office Is In Trouble!

Dear President Obama,

Recently I received a opinion solicitation from my area Local Post Office, asking for my opinion about their services, and how it would effect me if the local branch on Hudson Street-Greenwich Village-New York City, if it is closed.

I subsequently had a personal discussion with an employee at that branch, and she told me the following.

* She suspects that some internal Re-structuring will take place, and jobs will be lost

* Or that privatization may be in the works too, to allow for greater efficiency, and revenue earnings.

* And lastly, the institution is internally corrupt, mis-managed, and lacks the technology to compete with the Internet, and the lost revenues that this medium has taken from them.

Therefore, I wonder if the Federal government is contemplating privatization of this institution, or re-structuring it to become more efficient, technologically up to date, and managed more efficiently.

Your response will be greatly appreciated sir,


Derryck S Griffith,.

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