Thursday, August 18, 2011

AT&T Is Lying!

August 18-2011.


AT&T Is Lying!

President Barack Obama,

AT&T’s plan to take over T-Mobile is about gouging consumers, destroying a competitor and firing an estimated 20,000 American workers.

We at Free Press have warned about this from day one. Now, in a letter that was inadvertently leaked, one of AT&T's own lawyers has confirmed it. The letter reveals the merger has nothing to do with expanding AT&T’s coverage to 97 percent of the country – the main argument the company has made to gain Washington’s support, and everything to do with eliminating the cheaper T-Mobile option from the marketplace, (and laying off half of its workforce) to pad company profits.

Every AT&T argument about the supposed benefits of this merger has now been proven wrong. As AT&T’s case unravels, I urge you President Barack Obama to speak out against this dangerous deal.


Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

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