Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Did President Obama Betrayed His Promise For The Public Option?
December 23-2009:
Did President Obama Betrayed His Promise For The Public Option?
The president said recently that he did not campaign for The Public Option. He may be correct there, because he may not have used those EXACT WORDS. But he implied it, when he said that over 40 million Americans do not have health care coverage, or cannot afford it.
And he intends to change that when be become president!
Therefore, it stands to reason that giving them a choice with a Publicly Funded Option, to provide competition to private Insurance Companies. That would cater for the lowering of coverage fees and create a Level Competitive Playing field.
That is why it is so Urgent that we get access to a public Option for all of the above mentioned.
The Public Option Health Care Provider & What Is Means!
Hithero, most consumers sought a Health Care provider according to their financial means. Those who had the means got the best services, from the best Health Care Providers.
And those that could not afford the better ones had to settle for the sub standard providers, which did not provide for most of the needs, that most consumers wanted from their doctors/physicians.
How will the Public Option Work?
* The Public Option gives those who do not have Health Care the option to have one.
* It also allows consumers the CHOICE between the Established providers, and the Federally Subsidized Provider/Plans.
* Both Health Care plans would be providing for the Health Care needs of any American that wants it.
* The only difference is that we would be getting to choose between the Public Option, and The Private Option.
* If anyone does not want Healthcare for whatever reason, he/she has that option too also.
But the provision is there for all, if or when they so choose to get Health Care.
There can be no Health Care Reform without The Public Option Included PERIOD!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
How Could You Train An Illiterate People To Govern Themselves?
December 02-2009:
How Could You Train An Illiterate People To Govern Themselves?
President Obama promised to focus on developing the Afghan government, Locally and Centrally, to govern themselves.
He also emphasized that training the National Police, the Army, and other Security Agencies in that country, is vitally necessary to safeguard all Afghans in the cities, while the US and N.A.T.O. forces concentrate of hunting down the Taliban and El Qaeda insurgents.
The majority of the population in Afghanistan are illiterate. The Local and Central infrastructure that is necessary to allow for effective and efficient governance is absent. There is no official Civil Service to talk about either, and historically, business was done via the War Lords, in their respective regions and spheres of influence. And most of these War Lords are also illiterate.
So even if we want to co-opt those willing War Lords to hold governmental positions in their regions officially. How could they perform efficiently, if they are also illiterate, with no professional or modern day concept of governance, or managerial skills that could account for large sums of money in their control.
Or for the payment of salaries, pensions, and health care concerns of the Police, the Army, and all of the other Governmental Agencies that would be necessary, for the management of the Afghan State.
Currently, the Afghan government is riddled with corruption at all levels. Even the Hamid Karzai's brother, who happens to be an official in his government, is notorious for his corruption too. Coupled with Mass un-employment in the agrarian or rural areas. Most of which depend upon the Poppy production as a source of income for their families's survival.
How could an illiterate agricultural oriented people move away from what they have been doing for decades to earn a livelihood. Just decide to change their occupation for something else, which they have little or no abilities, know how, or possible qualifications?
Re-training & Re-educating Afghans:
However this is done, it must be methodical, easy to implement, localized, ethnic and regional in conception, and with the advice, input, and with the acceptance of those to whom it is intended to benefit.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December 01-2009:
President Obama will NEVER fully withdraw US troops from Afghanistan & Iraq. It is not his nature to accept defeat, nor to appear weak.
It is the American INFLATED EGO that prevents REASON from getting attention.
The Republicans by history favors war.
It brings money to their campaigns, business, and military munition's manufacturing supporters.
It is unfortunate that most young conscripts in the US military are willing to serve wherever they are sent.
But those who make the decisions in The White House & The Pentagon, seem to take them for granted most of the time.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Falsely Accused Enemy Combatants!
November 08-2009:
Falsely Accused Enemy Combatants!
If someone was arrested or apprehended in a foreign country where the US & N.A.T.O. forces were or is fighting terrorism, with that government's approval of their presence there. Then, anyone who was actually involved in combat with N.A.T.O. or US troops while engaging in fighting terror. He/she would be brought back to the US or interned into any US base in that country, or abroad for questioning.
If it is determined that such arrests are unfounded, or no concrete evidence was unearthed that substantiate the allegations that he/she was indeed a combatant, then that individual must be set free. Or returned home to his country or to the country that he was arrested in.
Habeas Corpus:
In terms of habeas corpus for that individual. The US will say that a foreigner arrested in a foreign country, or on US shores or territories, is not qualified to be tried in any US Court Of Justice, because he/she is not a US citizen. But that does not prevent him/her from being tried in the country where he/she was arrested instead.
Could justice or the presumption of justice for these individuals be guaranteed in another country for their alleged crimes?
That is an open question. But the US and I presume N.A.T.O. are obligated to abide by the UN & Geneva Conventions which stipulate, that all combatants (uniformed or not), caught in any theater of war, his/her rights be respected under the UN Charter, regardless of whether he/she is guilty or presumed guilty of any war crime.
Could The Alleged Combatants Suit The US?
I guess he/she could file suit against the US or N.A.T.O authorities/governments if he/she feels that his/her Human Rights have been violated. And any suit can be filed in a Court Of Law.
But in the case of the US Judicial system, such a suit may not be entertained, because that person was not a US citizen at the time of arrest or incarceration.
And currently, under the Obama administration, a special Military Tribunal, conducted by the US military will be the forum where Innocence or Guilt is determined.
Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!
November 03-2009:
President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!
Today or tonight, the Democrats will see clearly how they are doing in Virginia, New Jersey, New York City & New York State elections.
This is a referendum on the Democrat's Representatives in those areas.
But in the eyes of most of your Young, Older, and First Time voters, this is also a referendum on Barack Obama's ability or inability to STAY THE COURSE, and TRULY deliver on his promises.
For example:
* Firstly, You promised to end the war in Iraq. That war is still happening, and our troops are getting back into combat therein, because the Iraqi government cannot maintain National Security.
Meanwhile, we are hoping that you bring all combat troops home as stated.
* Secondly, We expect you to STAND UP to Israel, like A Leader, and The President of The United States.
But what we are seeing is the president cowering or 'Cow Towing' to Prime Minister Nethanyahu's obstinacy against settlement building cessation.
* Thirdly, you have removed the Ban for HIV visitors to the US shores. But can any HIV infected person get Legal Residence Status while here? That is still not yet clarified or mentioned?
* Fourthly, unemployment is 29% nationally. Millions are out of work, and still cannot see any prospects for employment on a permanent basis anytime soon either.
* Finally, the bailed out Banking Institutions, and the Wall Street Investors are dancing the 'Hoolah.' While the rest of us are loosing our homes, cannot pay our rents, and are homeless, or will become homeless very soon!
So Mr. President, have you forgotten who you are supposed to be working for?
Derryck S. Griffith.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:
October 14-2009:
Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:
When the US Supreme Court (those lofty Public Servants), refused to listen to the voice of the commonweal. Because they felt it is not the popular voice at the moment. Then we know that Democracy no longer exists here.
These so-called guardians of the US Constitution refused to allow investigations into the allegations of "An Internal Conspiracy" behind the September 11-2001, World Trade Center disaster.
The popular view is, that the evidence provided by all agencies involved with the investigation was inadequate, insufficient, and does not answer several major concerns of the victim's relatives.
The Obama Administration chose to set a precedent, by looking the other way, not being bothered to have such investigations. So the Supreme Court justices chose to do the same. They FEAR challenging the FBI, The CIA, and The Pentagon.
I guess their lives, livelihood, and careers was the concern. So by not giving the approval for another thorough investigation, they are in fact saying, "I see no wrong doing, therefore, the need for any further investigation is un-warranted,"
However, George W. Bush may be out of The White House, but his policies and political mentality is very much Alive & Well therein!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The US General Post Office Is In Trouble!
October 05-2009:
TO: President Obama
The White House
The US General Post Office Is In Trouble!
Dear President Obama,
Recently I received a opinion solicitation from my area Local Post Office, asking for my opinion about their services, and how it would effect me if the local branch on Hudson Street-Greenwich Village-New York City, if it is closed.
I subsequently had a personal discussion with an employee at that branch, and she told me the following.
* She suspects that some internal Re-structuring will take place, and jobs will be lost
* Or that privatization may be in the works too, to allow for greater efficiency, and revenue earnings.
* And lastly, the institution is internally corrupt, mis-managed, and lacks the technology to compete with the Internet, and the lost revenues that this medium has taken from them.
Therefore, I wonder if the Federal government is contemplating privatization of this institution, or re-structuring it to become more efficient, technologically up to date, and managed more efficiently.
Your response will be greatly appreciated sir,
Derryck S Griffith,.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
EL Qaeda Is No Longer A Threat In Afghanistan!
September 23-2009:
EL Qaeda Is No Longer A Threat In Afghanistan!
President Obama there is no EL Qaeda threat in Afghanistan for us to worry about. They are the Taliban, and they are Afghans. So we are Currently killing Afghans. And that is why we MUST leave NOW.
Let Governor General Karzai deal with the insurrectionists, this is not our war any longer. This is the view of many journalists that visit there regularly, and from Afghans themselves, when questioned.
What we are actually fighting are the Pashtun elements that identify with the Taliban's view of Islam and Jihadism. And some elements within the Taliban's dispirit groups in Afghanistan that are in it for several reasons, these being the following.
* To seek and destroy all foreign elements therein.
* To wage war against all foreign military forces from within their territories.
* To ensure that Islam is not compromised by any western concept of Governance via Western Democratic Principles, which totally conflicts with Islamic teachings.
* And to remove the Karzai government that was the brainchild, and has the support of the USA and her allies in Afghanistan.
Why Are We Still There?
The US went in to destroy EL Qaeda elements, Prevent Safe Havens, and Destroy Terror Training Camps. This was achieved some seven years ago, when EL Qaeda, (the Taliban's guests) were defeated.
Since then billions of US dollars, in munitions, hardware, infrastructure development, national security training, wages for Afghan Military and Police Forces, and payments of Compensation to Civilians for lives lost.
Which incidentally, are in the thousands, and growing daily.
Therefore, sending thousands more of US military personnel, will only INCREASE, (and this is also very likely to happen), the volume of American lives lost and maimed therein.
Even N.A.T.O.'S representation is dwindling at the moment, causing some concern among other nations, as to our End Game or Strategy in Afghanistan. This concern is also growing within the confines of the USA.
BRING our military HOME from Afghanistan by this year's end Mr. president. Or you will surely loose the vast majority of those YOUNG people who are dying there, and those millions who have supported you during the campaign for sure.
And I will harbor a guess at this time, that if you persist in keeping American troops there, and does not heed the call of Americans at home and abroad. You will regret it come the next general election!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
EUROPE Missile Shield Shelved:
September 17-2009:
Europe Missile Shield Shelved:
I would like to commend president Obama for his decision to rescind the above idea. However, we must also not allow the current unknown nuclear potential of Iran, to cause us to do the same thing that we wanted to do in Europe. But erecting Radar Systems to monitor Iran's supposedly Nuclear threats.
I have been monitoring these issues for several years now, and cannot fathom the rationale for Iran to want to use nuclear missiles on Israel or any other Middle Eastern country. When the USA has an ally like Israel with nuclear capability, and could intercept any incoming missiles, and destroy them un-route from that country.
I also understand the political necessity for the president to do this right now. But I also know that it was a sensible and wise decision he has made, to re-focus our efforts to more tried and tested methods for protecting our allies and homeland.
Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Who Or What Is The Anti-Christ?
September 16-2009:
Who Or What Is The Anti-Christ?
The haters are currently re-iterating their hateful lies once more, that president Obama is the Anti-Christ. Whatever that means or is?
And this obviously contradicts the ruling of the US Supreme Court acknowledging that he is an American citizen, that was born in the state of Hawaii.
So if he is indeed the Anti-Christ, then it infers that those nine Supreme Court Judges are also Anti Christ, for confirming his citizenship and nationality. Thus paving the way for the Advent of The Anti-Christ in America.
Who Knew?
Personally, I don't believe in any Anti-Christ, or Christ for that matter!
And I would consider myself Anti-God, Anti-Allah, Anti-Vishnu, Anti-Yahweh, Anti-Mufti, and Anti anything that I cannot See, Measure, or Quantify.
Anything that does not fit the above scientific measurements, falls into the category of FICTION.
And I do not believe in FICTION either!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Explained!
August 08-2009:
Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Explained!
As far as I understand, anyone who does not have Health Care, can have it under the Obama proposal.
* If you already have Health Care, and are satisfied with it. Then you can KEEP your health Care Plan. You don't have to change it period.
* The other OPTION is The Public One, which will allow anyone without Health Care already, to choose that Public Plan.
* It will give you the same benefits as the Private Plan does, under Obama's proposals.
The general concept of the plan is to ensure that ALL Americans have a viable and Reliable Health Care Plan, regardless of their employment or Un-employment status!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Some Ideas For National Volunteer Service!
July 17-2009:
Some Ideas For Community Service!
I have listened to Senator Barack Obama speak about Community Service initiatives by the Federal Government, that encourages High Schoolers, College kids, Seniors, Juniors, Retirees, and anyone with special skills that they would like to share with the community.
* To get involved in providing voluntary contributions in schools, churches, community organizations, overseas, and any place they feel they would like to serve.
* This ideal could also be facilitated to HIV patients who have lived or survived this pandemic:
* Have been taking the prescribed medications, and have personally known and experienced all the side effects of these medications. Which makes them eligible to advocate for Federal, State, and City funding for improved prevention, and to facilitate where necessary, with some "per-diem" emoluments.
* For their willingness to make themselves available to train, impart, and facilitate HIV Infected People's Groups, Gender Identity issues, and Stigma relating to HIV infection, Family issues, Sexual and Gender identity issues.
*And helping them to access the services for people living with HIV, as it relates to language differences, gender identity, and sexual preferences.
All of these areas are ready to provide qualified personnel to assist the Federal, State, and City government's commissions and committees that would organize, facilitate, and provide such personnel, training, and advocacy, whenever and wherever the need arise.
I am ready and willing also to get on board any committee that initiates programs for training advocates to petition political representatives, petition political representatives for more HIV and related funding needs, providing some per-diem can be provided, which will assist in transportation, accommodation, and other out of pocket needs, when involved in any of these programs.
Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
We Need Your Explicit Support President Obama!
June 17-2009:
Dear President Obama,
The People of Iran are demonstrating in large numbers.
Hitherto unseen or unheard of, are asking you not to ignore them, not to seem lukewarm in your statements either.
They are counting upon all Americans for our support and encouragement, in this time of struggle, police harassment, murder, and general uncertainty.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Advocate and Supporter for all peoples in the struggle for Peace, Equality, Justice, and Freedom!
The White House:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Monday, June 15, 2009
FREE & FAIR Elections Is What We Believe And Aspire To Achieve Always!
June 15-2009:
Americans Speak Out Against Elections That Are Not FREE & FAIR Anywhere!
Dear President Obama,
America and the presidency has to be either for Free And Fair Elections or Democracy in Iran.
Or For Dictatorship and State Control.
We cannot accept, or seem to be telling Iran and the rest of the world, that we will not say anything that will embarrass the administration in Iran, when the rest of the world is furious with the recent seemingly rigged elections.
Americans Will Not Cringe At The Sight Of A Little Blood!
Why do you and others in the television media caution Americans before you show someone bleeding, or some macabre killing photo or scenario?
We all see these pictures (all age groups), on the Internet all the time. And there is no one there to caution anyone. And nobody complains about this.
In fact, most people prefer to see these graphic pictures for themselves, because it helps to bring perspective to that situation.
We are not WHIMPS, and would not CRINGE at the sight of some spilled blood!.
An Enquiry From The Highest Court In Iran Is warranted!
It seems like the Supreme Ayatollah and his Militia were complicit, in the unscrupulous vote rigging that obviously went down in Iran's elections.
This FARCE must never be accepted as legitimate. A fresh and new election is warranted now!
Vaccinations Do More Harm Than Good!
Do you know that vaccinations do more harm than good?
The more vaccinations you get to prevent illness that you never get, does a lot of immune suppression in the process, thus making you more vulnerable to some sever illness overtime.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
NEWS From My Perspective!
May 10-2009:
We Don't Need Jobs-We Need Employment!
There is a BIG difference between Jobs and Employment in context. So let me explain these definitions.
What Is a Job:
A Job could be a contract of service for a specified period of time. For example, a contract to fix a broken pipeline.
* A contract to sell some items or merchandise, until that commodity is exhausted.
* A politician being elected to office for a period of time, and at the end, if he or she does not qualify for another term, the voters elect someone else for that position. The presidency is a case in point.
* A person who does temporary work:
* No healthcare benefits:
* No vacation leave with pay:
* No maternity leave with pay, or sick leave with pay:
What is Employment?
* Career possibilities, because there is room or opportunity for upward mobility:
* Promotion, on the job and training for upward mobility.
* Health benefits:
* Vacation leave with pay:
* Maternity leave with pay:
* Retirement benefits or plans:
* And permanency or longevity.
So tell your elected representatives to STOP promising us JOBS, because EMPLOYMENT is what we want and need currently!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
NEWS From My Perspective!
May 06-2009:
Former George W. Bush Officials May Eventually Be Brought To Justice!
Some of George W. Bush's attorneys who wrote directives on how to torture prisoners and get away with it legally, are now being petitioned for a pardon. Yes, the Attorney General now has too decide whether an investigation into the conduct of those attorneys is warranted. And who were responsible for the torture memos, and who their superior's were, that gave those orders in The White House.
Will the Attorney General have the guts to follow through on this expectation of most Americans polled?
We will have to wait and see! But the president said publicly that he will not pre-judge how his Attorney General will deal with this evidence!
However, CNN's polling of Americans seem to suggest the following:
* Most Americans do not want those CIA operatives and other Intelligence personnel, who actually carried out the orders to torture prisoners litigated.
* But most Americans polled wanted the The White House Officials who gave the order in writing to carry out those torture directives, be brought to justice, regardless of who were involved.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
NEWS From My Perspective!
May 05-2009:
Banks Stress Tests Due Next week?
I hope that president Obama after hearing the current financial position of those banks in serious financial trouble,
will tell the American people HONESTLY, how serious these banks are financially!
And if some would have to GO, and how many.
And if some will need more Federal assistance, and how much?
These are the things that ALL Americans MUST be told at this Stress Test Declaration!
The Republicans are saying that they are Re-Branding The Image of the party.
But the choices are still the same Old Fogies that have been responsible for the party's demise so far.
So how much re-branding can we see, if the Same Old Fogies are being used as their Poster Old Boys!
Hate Crimes Bill ( H.R. 1913)
By a vote 249-175, the House last week passed H.R. 1913, a bill making it easier for law enforcement authorities to prosecute hate crimes.
Civil rights groups and liberal clergy members from all 50 states are fanning out across Capitol Hill this week to lobby for the legislation in an attempt to counter the notion, advanced by socially Clergy Lobbies for Passage of Hate Crimes Bill conservative groups, that religious leaders are uniformly opposed to the measure.
Although a majority of Senators are almost certainly in favor of the legislation, the question is whether supporters can win the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster that conservatives may launch to kill the bill. President Barack Obama has said he will sign the measure into law if it lands on his desk.
May 05-2009:
Dear House/Senate Repsenatative,
I petition you to support the Hate Crimes Bill H.R. 1913 legislative proposal.
For too long we have allowed People Of Color especially, to be targeted by The Police in all or most states of these United States unfairly, under the guise that they were merely carrying out their duties as per regulations.
And did not use Ethnicity on purpose, to harass or single out anyone for apprehension or incarceration.
Even our Judicial Systems are inclined to be prejudiced against People Of Color for penalties in our Courts Of Law.
Please go to
Saturday, May 2, 2009
NEWS From My Perspective!
May 02-2009:
The Wars In Iraq & Afghanistan Can Never Be Won!
Wars are only won, when TWO armies try to out maneuver each other tactically, and strategically, thus ending in victory for one of them, or surrender for the loser.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan does not fit the classical war scenario, because the USA and her allies, are not combating any official national army or military.
Therefore, there can be no victory in Iraq or Afghanistan!
But at some point in time, the USA will have to come up with some solution for a total withdrawal from both of these camps, and declare publicly that our combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are completed according to plan.
This will save the US and her remaining allies, some much needed face!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Achievements For The Obama Administration During The First 100 Days!
April 25-2009:
Achievements For The Obama Administration During The First 100 Days!
For those of you who feel that the President is not doing enough to stem the unemployment crisis currently.
Just let me make some things quite clear now!
* President Obama inherited over three trillion dollars in deficit:
* President Obama is doing all that is necessary, prudent, judicious, and feasible, to get this economy moving in a positive way.
For those of you who think he is not moving fast enough, or does not have a clue what he is doing.
I say, you are entitled to your own opinion.
However, the American electorate elected him with 53% of the national votes, to GOVERN, as per his promises. And that is what he is doing.
* The 780 Billion US Dollar National Rescue Initiative Stimulus Bill:
* The No Child Left Behind Funding Initiative Enactment:
* Added millions of US dollars for Medicaid Funding, to cover eleven million children without Healthcare coverage or access:
* The Equal Rights For Women In The Workplace Enactment/Bill:
* The Veteran's Act for College Grants for those who served over three years in the US military:
* The Stem Cell Research Funding via Executive Order:
* Eanctment of The Employee Free Choice Act, which caters for the recognition of a collective bargaining agent for employees, secret ballot, and voluntary union conscription at the workplace:
* A White House Council for Women & Girls:
* Meeting with EU leaders at the G-20 summit recently, and getting them to sign a consensual agreement for financial assistance in the vicinity of three trillion dollars, for the global financial crisis stabilization:
* Meeting with our South-Central & North American Leadership, making amends for past grievances with the US policies, and setting the stage for improved trade/relations with the entire continent:
* Releasing some classified documents that validate that some forms of torture was done by the CIA, with the consent of the George W. Bush White House administration:
* And authorizing the killing of those three pirates, that captured an American Commercial/Humanitarian ship in the Somali sea.
(B) The pirates were killed by three Navy Seal's snipers.
These are just some of the actions he has taken within the first 100 days of his administration, and is still counting!
My performance rating for this administration so far, is an A.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I Support Legislation To Curb Credit Card Fraud NOW!
April 23-2009:
I Support Legislation To Curb Credit Card Fraud Now!
This nation of ours (The USA), survives and thrives economically via Credit Card's accepting business facilities. Almost every American of legal age has one. And their is hardly any organization, business, insurance agency, or financial institution, that does not require it's clients to be holders of credit cards and a Credible Credit History.
When I came to this country I was told that having good credit will determine how much credit you can access. And when you don't have any credit history, chances are, most businesses, insurance companies, or banks, would hesitate to grant you any credit, because of it.
And I asked the following question of my friend at that time!
Wouldn't allowing someone to access credit at anytime, even if he or she cannot afford that items/s, or does not have the equity to guarantee such credit, asking for serious fraudulent behavior?
And he told me in response, that credit is the American way of doing business, and everyone is expected to have some form of credit history to get ahead in this country.
The current national and international economic crisis validates my concerns about credit gone mad!
So the question now is, can we abolish or regulate the amount of credit per person by law?
I would suggest that no one should be allowed credit over his or her annual income. Unless he or she is wealthy, or has assets that can be used as equity for any loss or default on his or her remittances. Having such ceilings established by law, would allow most credit card holders, especially those within the lower income brackets, the most vulnerable, the elderly, and gullible, to monitor their credit ability at any time.
Having this knowledge recorded in a national Credit Card data base, will also help any organization that provides credit to clients as part of their business, to check that person's ability to pay.
So I am for any legislation that would allow the above to be made law!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What Is A BAD Bank?
April 21-2009:
What Is A Bad Bank?
The new definition of a Bad Bank are the following:
Those banks that have lost millions or billions on TOXIC loans or Investments, can have these loans shuntered off into a Bad Bank or (Toxic Loans Clearing House), which will buy those toxic loans at current price.
Most of which will be very much lower in value, from the time they were sold or given.
So the Banks that held these TOXIC loans will now be FREE to get New Capital from the State's Treasury (on Loan), to start lending once again, and providing loans to it's customers.
In time, when the economy recovers, those TOXIC loans at the Bad Banks or (TOXIC Loans Clearing House), will SELL those loans on the open market for less that they cost at the outset.
Some of these will accrue Profit from those sales.
Other sales will incur a Loss too.
From the new TOXIC sales that have accrued profit, the bank will pay this money back to the banks it came from, for them to eventually repay the State, for the loans they got for those TOXIC acommodations.
Friday, April 17, 2009
President Obama Forgives The Torturers!
April 17-2009:
President Obama Forgives The Torturers!
President Obama's administration through the Department Of Justice, will not charge any CIA officer that indulged in torture, during the George W. Bush administration.
This decision may cause some head hunters on the left to get all fired up and angry. But I imagine that president Obama needs these same CIA officials or officers, to operate in his new administration.
Most of which have experience ands skills that are needed in the fight against terrorism internationally.
However, if we allow anger, vengeance, and payback for any wrong doing, some of these officials may have undertaken, then we may be forfeiting ourselves the benefit of some potential assets, that are vitally needed at this time.
Politically, this may be a grave dis-appointment for many Obama supporters, some of whom was waiting for a change of administration to get even!
So let us see how supporters from every strata and affiliation, will behave in the next three years general elections.
Remember The Nuremberg Trials After World War-2:
I was merely following orders!
George W. Bush Torture Chamber!
As I see it, the US Justice Dept,. via the Attorney General should have been allowed to have an investigation into who in the line of authority, gave the direct orders for torture to be done on prisoners.
Did the Attorney General raise this concern with the president?
Or did the president suggest to the US Attorney General not to pursue any investigation that would lead to prosecution. Whatever it is, a precedent has already been established, and if no legal Proceedings are brought against any alleged torturer.
Then what is to prevent some future president or administration, repeating this scenario
once again?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Food AID Ships To Kenya Escapes Pirates Attack!
April 15-2009:
Food Aid Ships To Kenya Escapes Pirates Attack!
If the pirates continue to show no regard for an ocean going vessel, regardless of whether that or those vessels are delivering Food Aid to Africa, or any African country.
Then I say, STOP delivering food there NOW!
If these pirates are going to hold those states that are desperately in need of food hostage, then let them STARVE.
When starvation really start causing the deaths of thousands of their own people, then I guess they will see the light and desist such activities.
And those African states that chose to sit idle by, and not intervene to help or protect ships in that region. I say to them too, that when the pirates are no longer able to attack ships successfully, they will turn upon their own governments and people to plunder.
So if these African states and governments in that region, does not make deliberate efforts to thwart piracy, their bases on shore, and their leadership, by killing them whenever they are captured, or caught indulging in piracy.
Then NO FOOD AID will continue!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pirates BEWARE-America Has Your Number!
April 12-2009:
Pirates BEWARE-America Has Your Number!
Today three pirates were killed, one captured, and the US Captain hostage saved from capture.
Sincere praise go to the FBI, and the US Navy Seals, that were engaged in this rescue effort.
And I also extend to president Obama my regards for his expressed concern about this incident.
However, international mercantile efforts MUST be formulated to deal with this Terror on the High Seas.
Furthermore, I hope that the pirates of Somalia are watching, and would re-consider ever trying to capture another American Mercantile or Military vessel again.
I had hoped that all of these criminals would have been killed for their avaricious acts against the innocent.
However, the one who was not killed faces criminal charges, and I hope right here in the USA,
in a Court Of Law.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tell President Barack Obama Not To Talk Tough!
April 11-2009:
Tell President Obama Not To Talk TOUGH
If He Does Not Intend To ACT Tough!
Telling North Korea not to launch that missile, or else there would be consequences.
And after the missile was deliberately launched, then asking the Security Council to discipline them via some UN Resolution.
That declaration has made our president look like a WHIMP, and makes Dick Cheney's comments recently about him
(Mr. Obama), not ready for the Big Leagues seem more convincing.
Now we have the Somalia Sea incident, and the US Navy is being held hostage, because they do not want to accidentally harm or kill an American Captain held hostage by pirates.
Sometimes one has to sacrifice the few (or the individual), for the good of the MAJORITY!
That is what leadership is all about!
Derryck S. Griffith.
America's Siege In The Somali Sea!
April 11-2009:
America's Siege In The Somali Sea!
The French Squat Teams recently rescued some of it's citizens who were captured by pirates. One French citizen was killed in this effort.
However, the French government maintains that they will never allow pirates to exploit them or their people at sea.
But the USA is still playing PANSY with these pirates, and allowing ONE American male to hold the world most powerful Navy hostage, while the FBI, and the Commercial Shipping Firm negotiates, for what will never be resolved without the pirates getting (once again), their desires.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Start A Dialogue With Cuba-But With A Clear Agenda!
April 09-2009:
Start A Dialogue With Cuba-But With A Clear Agenda!
Recently some members of The Black Caucus went on a fact finding visit to Cuba, but did not do a thorough or in depth evaluation of the socio-political climate therein.
The United States trades with China, even though it is still A Communist Dictatorship, and Human Right's abuses still obtain therein:
* Freedom Of Speech and The Media, is still controlled and policed by the state;
* Political Prisoners are still being incarcerated, tortured, and killed on a daily basis.
* And Freedom Of Religion, (those not sanctioned or approved by the state), is curtailed, and their followers harassed, and imprisoned.
* The Dalai Lama's movement, and the FULAN GONG movement are cases in point!
But yet, the USA still allows trade, travel, and diplomatic relations with that state.
What Did The Black Caucus Achieved?
As far as I heard them explained. They seem to feel that meeting with Fidel Castro, his Brother, and other family members, was a big deal. They also seem to feel that the social climate is fine in that country too.
But they never sought to meet with any Anti-Communist/Dictatorship political advocate, or Agitator, Anti-Government Controlled Media representatives either, nor did they enquire about the political prisoners (in the hundreds), that are imprisoned there?
This to my mind was a huge dis-appointment for us all in this country (USA), and makes it absolutely necessary for the Obama administration to ensure that any dialogue he intends to re-establish with Cuba, contains the following agenda.
* The releasing of political prisoners.
* The Establishing of Freedom Of The Press, and other Media.
*Freedom To Assemble, Petition for or against National Policy by the masses.
*And Freedom To Travel out of Cuba for all citizens, who are not criminals, or fugitives of Cuba.
* Re-establishing Trade with Cuba, and allowing money transfers from Cuban exiles here, to their relatives over there.
If we can get Cuba to comply with most of the above agenda items, then we would have made a significant improvement in our relations with Cuba and the Cuban government.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The American People Need To Know The Truth!
April 07-2009:
The American People Need To Know The Truth!
It seems like those classified documents from the past seven years of the George W. Bush administration has finally been released, or is expected to be released soon. Some insiders claim that there are very graphic or grisly portrayals of torture recommended, implemented, and practiced, that may warrant legal retribution for several past officials of the recent past administration.
Releasing this information may also cause some embarrassment for some of our allies, some of whom allowed Renditions on their shores, for the facilitating of interrogative methods, some of which today is categorized as torture.
Do we want this revelation to be made public, after president Barack Obama said repeatedly, that he intends to turn the page, and not get bogged down with the past ills, with this current economic crisis at hand!
However, if or when these documents become public, the American people must be prepared to face some very harsh facts, about our elected leadership in Washington-DC, and whether pursuing this vendetta or judicial end, will solve anything, much less prevent it from happening again.
The American People Need To Know The Truth!
It seems like those classified documents from the past seven years of the George W. Bush administration has finally been released, or is expected to be released soon. Some insiders claim that there are very graphic or grisly portrayals of torture recommended, implemented, and practiced, that may warrant legal retribution for several past officials of the recent past administration.
Releasing this information may also cause some embarrassment for some of our allies, some of whom allowed Renditions on their shores, for the facilitating of interrogative methods, some of which today is categorized as torture.
Do we want this revelation to be made public, after president Barack Obama said repeatedly, that he intends to turn the page, and not get bogged down with the past ills, with this current economic crisis at hand!
However, if or when these documents become public, the American people must be prepared to face some very harsh facts, about our elected leadership in Washington-DC, and whether pursuing this vendetta or judicial end, will solve anything, much less prevent it from happening again.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fire Those CEO'S Of Failed Banks NOW!
April 03-2009:
Fire Those CEO's Of Failed Banks NOW!
Fire Those CEO's Of Failed Banks NOW!
Because Keeping Them In Place Contradicts Transparency & Ethics!
I have been studying the financial situation that this country (USA) are experiencing currently, and I ask myself the following:
* Why is the Obama administration still allowing those CEO's and other senior banking executives to continue administering those failed and failing banks?
* Why is the Obama administration using as his Treasury Secretary, someone who was responsible for OVERSEEING Regulation of the same financial institutions that have received billions of federal dollars?
* Why hasn't the Obama administration ask the Congress to conduct an enquiry into THE CAUSE, of the financial debacle within the banking and other financial institutions on Wall Street?
* And finally, how could people who are crooked, and gained handsomely in fraudulent acts, be allowed to continue managing our financial institutions, because the White House executive seemingly, does not want the American Commonweal to know the TRUE volume or magnitude if the financial demise of our Banking Institutions?
These questions MUST be addressed NOW, or will be one of the negatives that will be used in a few years against this administration's re-election desire!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Monday, March 30, 2009
General Motors CEO Dismissed!
March 302009:
General Motors-CEO Dismissed!
Mr.Wagner now former CEO of General Motors was dismissed by the Obama administration for failing to deliver as was expected.
It is still not clear if on the presidents orders, he was asked to remove himself from the helm of General Motors.
Now the local media is asking if the administration is injecting itself, in running the business community, and this spells trouble for the Free Market System, that we have been accustomed to, and was using for decades now.
This idiotic and provocative view of those at, MSNBC, and elsewhere, by using this scenario of arbitrary injection and control of GM, fail to tell or remind the American people the following.
General Motors is now under the Federal Government's control and supervision, by virtue of receiving taxpayers money, and the State having the majority stake/interest therein.
Therefore, I suggest that you tell Mr. Wolfe of CNN, David Schuster of, and others to tell the truth, and stop misleading viewers about the REAL facts of this issue!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Press Conference Attendees MUST Never be Pre-selected!
March 29-2009:
Press Conference Attendees MUST Never Be Pre-selected!
I have been following the manner in which president Obama conducts his meet the press face ups. And have seen how he calls on reporters who are already on some list he has on the podium.
Well, if this is the preferred method of holding Press Conferences, then there can be no spontaneous questions, some of which may be very necessary or essential, for viewers not present there, to have asked on their behalf.
And it also subscribes to the view that everyone must at least get a fair chance at asking the Commander In Chief, and our elected representative in The White House, any question he/she feel needs to be asked.
If there is a preference for certain reporter's questions over others, that infers favoritism, and MUST never be allowed to continue.
Therefore, I call upon president Barack H. Obama, and his White House Press Secretary, Chief Whip, and all those responsible for arranging meetings with the press, to CEASE making pre-selected choices for questions, and OPEN the floor for questions from anyone who is qualified to be, there as a reporter in the people's interests.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Why Does NATO Need A Missile Defense System?
March 26-2009:
Why Does NATO Need A Missile Defense System?
As I see it, most developed countries in NATO, the US and the UK, have military aircraft that can be launched in seconds to defend large geographic air spaces from incoming missiles. These aircraft have missiles attached to them as part of their defense systems, and can intercept and destroy any missiles incoming, or missile sites if need be.
So why should the US and NATO be contemplating the erection of any 'Radar Defense System' for incoming missiles, in Europe or anywhere around the world?
This to my mind is an act of aggression, in terms of extending one's military power, and aggressive abilities anywhere around the globe. Regardless of how it will be perceived by other nations that feel threatened.
If we should continue along this path, then we are giving those developing countries like Iran, Syria, Israel, North Korea, and others, the right to contemplate sophisticated systems to combat any threat or perceived threat to their territories or allies.
I strongly advocate for the neutralizing of any such treaty, or intent to negotiate any such treaty between any nation or region.
Especially the USA. Because to continue along this line will inevitably result in the quest for more defense systems, or aggressive systems by all those nations that feel vulnerable to the big powers today!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Why Does NATO Need A Missile Defense System?
As I see it, most developed countries in NATO, the US and the UK, have military aircraft that can be launched in seconds to defend large geographic air spaces from incoming missiles. These aircraft have missiles attached to them as part of their defense systems, and can intercept and destroy any missiles incoming, or missile sites if need be.
So why should the US and NATO be contemplating the erection of any 'Radar Defense System' for incoming missiles, in Europe or anywhere around the world?
This to my mind is an act of aggression, in terms of extending one's military power, and aggressive abilities anywhere around the globe. Regardless of how it will be perceived by other nations that feel threatened.
If we should continue along this path, then we are giving those developing countries like Iran, Syria, Israel, North Korea, and others, the right to contemplate sophisticated systems to combat any threat or perceived threat to their territories or allies.
I strongly advocate for the neutralizing of any such treaty, or intent to negotiate any such treaty between any nation or region.
Especially the USA. Because to continue along this line will inevitably result in the quest for more defense systems, or aggressive systems by all those nations that feel vulnerable to the big powers today!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Why did president Obama apologize for making fun of his own inability to Boll well?
Why did president Obama apologize for making fun of his own inability to Boll well?
If those who are so petty and self-centered feel that he was refering to people
with disabilities, when he said that he needs to attend a Special Olympics
Then let them!
Isn't the president allowed to make fun of his own short comings?
It is time Americans, and the local media STOP assuming what is not intended,
everytime some person says something that they feel is offensive!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Could The Obama Administration Recoup The 120 Million A.I.G. Payout?
March 17-2009:
Could The Obama Administration Recoup The 120 Million Dividend Payout From AIG?
I don't think that the Obama administration has a valid legal case with AIG, in terms of recouping the 120 million dollar dividends.
Because that was a 'contract of service' that these recipients had with AIG. And asking the recipients to give back or not receive these dividends will be a violation of that contract.
As I see it, if that aspect of the contract was there before the State became the majority stake holder of AIG, then those dividends will have to be re-negotiated, or declared null and void. Because
(I presume), that there would have been the expectation of the Obama administration, that AIG, as recipients of the Public's Money, would not use same to indulge in any monetary transactions that would imply, that they were irresponsible managers of the Public Money or Public trust.
Finally, the recipients of the dividends (if they haven't received it as yet), can refuse to do so, or accept half or part of that payout voluntarily. But it up to them to decide.
Incidentally, stock brokers income are also called dividends. This is just like working from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on a daily basis. But instead, are paid for their skill at bringing in revenue for their client's investments!
Any action to recoup any dividend payouts might entail a lengthy legal battle with (AIG or the State) vs AIG's clients.
Could The Obama Administration Recoup The 120 Million Dividend Payout From AIG?
I don't think that the Obama administration has a valid legal case with AIG, in terms of recouping the 120 million dollar dividends.
Because that was a 'contract of service' that these recipients had with AIG. And asking the recipients to give back or not receive these dividends will be a violation of that contract.
As I see it, if that aspect of the contract was there before the State became the majority stake holder of AIG, then those dividends will have to be re-negotiated, or declared null and void. Because
(I presume), that there would have been the expectation of the Obama administration, that AIG, as recipients of the Public's Money, would not use same to indulge in any monetary transactions that would imply, that they were irresponsible managers of the Public Money or Public trust.
Finally, the recipients of the dividends (if they haven't received it as yet), can refuse to do so, or accept half or part of that payout voluntarily. But it up to them to decide.
Incidentally, stock brokers income are also called dividends. This is just like working from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on a daily basis. But instead, are paid for their skill at bringing in revenue for their client's investments!
Any action to recoup any dividend payouts might entail a lengthy legal battle with (AIG or the State) vs AIG's clients.
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